21st Century Flintstone’s Car Finally for Sale

Drivable Human Powered Car

They’ve talked about it, they’ve made prototypes and now finally here it is: a human-powered car (The HumanCar) that can reach speeds of up to 80 miles per hour. Beyond just sounding like one, this invention bears an uncanny resemblance to the walkable vehicle from the Flintstones. Love it, hate it, mock it or berate it this strange new vehicle is available for $15,000 as of Earth Day 2008!

Sketches and Mockups of the Human Powered Vehicle

The human car isn’t just about energy efficiency or the environment, it is about group activity – making driving an actively participatory experience. It is also about alternative uses for a vast global infrastructure designed and used almost exclusively by gas-guzzling vehicles. The idea for the car has been around for almost five decades now but prototype models only began being built and seriously tested a few years back.

Wireframe Rendering of Human Powered Vehicle

As compared to the bicycle, the HumanCar provides greater speeds and an impact-resistant exoskeleton provides material safety and shelter from the weather. Also, power-assist from batteries can boost the car’s performance in a pinch and help it keep up with regular vehicles on the streets and the built-in trunk, stereo and wi-fi blend in options people have come to expect from cars.

The above video dates back to early models of the car. Try to ignore the music and simply enjoy the ride. The makes say those who try it out keep coming back for more!

15 thoughts on “21st Century Flintstone’s Car Finally for Sale”

  1. A great post, as we all know we might not get fuel after a few decades, that is the reserves would finish then we would be looking towards a 4 wheel bicycle type car…
    Say we have a peddling car and 2 people at a time could peddle and switch after a time interval..
    heheheh isnt that amazing 4 people peddling the car to their office..
    Liked your post, thanks for sharing all this.

  2. definitely not convinced with the said concept from the design itself… but if the concept design has added some features then I think I'll take a second look at it…

  3. As I looked at the design concept of this car I was not convinced… it may looked realistic but the human car is not as it looks and feels like…

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