Should You Have Some Beef with Your Beef?


Where’s the beef?

It’s not down on the farm these days, alas. The healthy, natural beef of years gone by is almost extinct. It has been driven out by cheap beef, raised on gigantic feedlots, fattened on corn. The problem is: corn isn’t healthy for cows, and raising beef this way ultimately isn’t healthy for us either. Here are some things to watch out for and ways to be more healthy when it comes to your beef-related choices.

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Oil Spills Still an Unfortunate Fact of Life

It always seems like oil spills should be a thing of the past, like unpopular warfare or 80’s fashion, but they always crop back up. The cleanup is costly, not to mention the incalculable impact on the natural environment. In some cases the spills are so toxic they can’t even allow volunteers to help clean things up.


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