Author’s note:
It is beyond the scope and space available in this blog to fully explain how important solar energy has always been. For this reason, much of the information here is meant to be a LINK to other information, and is connected to it through hyperlinks to other web pages. To better understand how important solar energy is, it is strongly advised that you click on some or all of these links. Each one will open a new window, so you will be able to return easily to this article, and continue along the train of thought it offers. — Roger
5 Extremely Strange Alternative Fuel Sources for Your Car
Who dreams up a car that runs on wood or coffee grounds or a way to turn road traffic into energy? Technology is always unpredictable and no one knows for sure what the future holds. Some of these ideas are brilliant and some are bizarre but at least these folks are thinking way outside of the box. The truck above, for example, runs on a strange combination of vegetable oil and ammonia.
Land, Sea and Air – Hydrogen, Human and Wind Power: Three Ecological Transporation Innovations
Let’s face it, trying to solve a big problem in one quick step rarely works out, particularly when the problem is global and touches on virtually all kinds of transporation. Too many alternative energy concept vehicles try too hard to rely on a single source of energy. Electric cars need frequent recharges and solar-powered vehicles of course need the sun. These three vehicles are a worthy stop-gap measure as the world slowly learns to rely less and less on conventional fuel sources and turns more and more to renewable energy.
Awesome: Solar Powered Bicycle Boat Design
Imagine a boat that coasts along almost silently and works completely on free energy. OK, well, almost free: when it is cloudy out you may have to pedal a bit to get it going. Still, you get to toss out the pricey gas costs associated with most water cruisers and relax in the sun when the weather is nice and pedal your way to shore when it isn’t.
Gasoline That Grows on Trees – Literally
Well, not gasoline per say but something strangely close. With minimal filtering and no refining these amazing trees produce fuel for up to 70 years and and at a rate of 1 barrel per 4 trees per year. After extraction, the fuel must be used within a few months but can be put almost directly to work in a diesel engine. However, even if the fuel is left for too long it changes into another form of oil that fetches a fairly high market price as a medicinal substance.
New Light Source Lasts 15 Years Without a Recharge
How about a glowing light source that lasts for 15 years instead of the typical 15 minutes of a glowstick? GlowPaint‘s newest product does just that and is also non-toxic and inexpensive and doesn’t require a recharge via solar or electrical sources for its entire lifespan. According to the company, “This has potential to save billions in energy costs world-wide. Litroenergy™ surpasses all known available lighting options for cost/durability/reliability and safety.” Their products are expected to be used to replace other forms of safety, emergency and novelty lighting duties normally performed by glow sticks, LEDs and other light sources.