It is an unfortunate fact of modern life that most species-related news is negative these days. We read about habitats disappearing, animals going extinct and other tragedies. When a positive story does come along it is therefore all the more inspiring.
A new species of mammal has been discovered in the mountains of Tanzania, scientists report. The bizarre-looking creature, dubbed Rhynochocyon udzungwensis, is a type of giant elephant shrew, or sengi. The cat-sized animal, which is reported in the Journal of Zoology, looks like a cross between a miniature antelope and a small anteater. It has a grey face, a long, flexible snout, a bulky, amber body, a jet-black rump and it stands on spindly legs. via BBC News
As with so many species being lost today this new mammal was discovered in Africa. Hopefully such inspirational events can serve a positive purpose and remind people around the world that there are many species yet to be found, many of which could be lost forever if something isn’t done to protect their environments.