When it comes to vehicles, green can mean many things. Many supposedly environmentally friendly vehicles also aren’t as green as people might assume at first glance. These three articles provide some facts, figures and humorous anecdotes about what it really means to go green.
Everything You Know about Green Cars is Wrong: Much of what you think you know about “clean cars” is wrong, misinformation spread by word of mouth and unreliable blogs (not including this one). Here are some of the prime misconceptions, with corrections applied:
More On Coskata’s $1 per Gallon Ethanol: The Coskata process that GM is promoting can use a wide range of different feedstocks to produce ethanol. Materials ranging from agricultural waste to purpose grown crops that can be raised on marginal lands (switchgrass being the most widely known example of this) to waste materials such as old tires and even municipal waste streams can all be used as the raw materials that can be turned into ethanol with very little to zero landfill waste.
Top 5 Unusually Green Vehicles of 2007: As demand for environmental alternatives grows, some green-thinking automotive designers have gone above and beyond simple hybrid or energy-efficient cars to develop radically creative green vehicles in many senses of the word. Here are five of the most interesting, innovative, strange and downright bizarre green concept vehicles developed this past year.
Great Workst. I was thinking about environment-friendly vehicles. great idea!