Is global warming a myth or a fact? Or is the entire term misleading and should climate change by the phrase of choice instead? The site 42Explore provides a great introduction to the issue of global warming, both an ‘easy’ and a ‘hard’ version, as well as numerous reputable resources for further reading and discussion.
This website on global warming – fact or fiction is dedicated to a balanced discussion about global warming and the site is broken down into convenient categories relating to various pertinent environmental issues. The site has also been praised by the scientific community despite the author’s own limited professional background and formal education related to climate issues.
A student’s take on the issue is not always the most informed but can sometimes lend legible insight to complex questions. Whether successful or not this study looks at climate models in an attempt to produce a balanced perspective on the question of climate change
This fact or fiction article presents and then systematically debunks a number of typical arguments against man-made global climate change. Of course any article would be remiss not to include albeit tenuous counterarguments that suggest that the global climate changes we are experiencing aren’t tied to human activity.
I think, that simplicity of the term ‘global warming’ is just perfect. Every body could understand it, not only a very narrow class of scientific society.
‘Global understanding’ of this very fact of ‘global warming’ and its regular comprehension in an average human mind are two conditions, which should be achieved as naturally as possible, if we wanted to address these real threats and real global changes, which are happening every day around the globe.
i don’t like global warming as much as the next guy, but i think that it is a natural thing that will eventually happen anyways. as for people say that global warming needs to be stopped… i belive that they are wrong. The earth has already gone into, and out of ice ages before industries and greenhouse gasses were a problem. Yes, i understand that they are speeing up the process, but, how far were we from it in the first place? i am all for reducing emissions, and saving the ozone, but when people are flipping out about how they need to be stopped right now….just chill….nature will take its course, and that will be that, wether we impact it or not, the glaciers will melt, the climate will change, and the world will still keep spinning. i bet by the time we get in trouble with climate change, we will have already polluted our land with so much garbage, and chemicals, that it will become impossible to grow crops, food proces will rise, people will starve, and life will be a struggle. and if we do not pollute our land to the point of infertility, we will over populate the earth and still end up with people strving, prices rising duie to high demand, and life will again be a struggle.
Marcus Aklybok — age 9 ( my mom made me put this so that you will all think i am smart, but i don’t want to brag)
“Doesn’t anyone remember that back in the 70s when our parents were getting fed from the so-called experts that there is a new ‘Ice Age’ coming. Now they’re aspiring for this generation to believe that the reverse is happening. Our parents didn’t buy it then, and there children shouldn’t buy it now. It seems pretty arrogant to suggest that our planet, which has been around for longer than we can imagine, can not take care of itself. Yes, the climate has changed, and will continue, to change. It is natural. At one point in time, most of the earth was ice. At another point, it was covered in water. At some point, it was hotter than you know what. We need not be careless, but I think the extremist-alarmist-environmentalists are a bit off. Mother Earth is capable of taking care of herself — Volcanoes, hurricanes, tsunamis and other anomalies are her weapon. All the earth is experiencing are the cycles it has been going through since it’s creation. The Earth warms up some, then cools down some. In other words the temperature will fluctuate over time. Nobody really knows how many times the earth has frozen and thawed. There are speculations by scientists, but these scientists are also paid by the contracts and grants that allow them to keep doing research. All we have is the scientist’s speculation, whose very bread and butter come from research on subjects like global warming.”
When you talk about when global warming effects take place the world will not “keep spinning” as far as human life is concerned, and if we start changing now we won't have to worry about the world being so polluted that it can't produce crops. There is more than one aspect to going green and preserving the earth for as long as we can, its not just so the earth doesn't flood but instead its so we can rebuild the ozone so UV radiation from the sun doesn't make it to Earth causing skin cancer as soon as it touches you. Even if it isn't real and the scientist that dedicate there whole lives to researching it to protect people such as yourselves who do not even appreciate it, people that just mock theses scientist and call them lairs, even if those scientist are dead wrong at least we protected ourselves instead of just ignoring it. Wouldn't you rather be safe, with a cleaner planet, than dead and no planet?
When you talk about when global warming effects take place the world will not “keep spinning” as far as human life is concerned, and if we start changing now we won't have to worry about the world being so polluted that it can't produce crops. There is more than one aspect to going green and preserving the earth for as long as we can, its not just so the earth doesn't flood but instead its so we can rebuild the ozone so UV radiation from the sun doesn't make it to Earth causing skin cancer as soon as it touches you. Even if it isn't real and the scientist that dedicate there whole lives to researching it to protect people such as yourselves who do not even appreciate it, people that just mock theses scientist and call them lairs, even if those scientist are dead wrong at least we protected ourselves instead of just ignoring it. Wouldn't you rather be safe, with a cleaner planet, than dead and no planet?
hey i think its real
None of the links above (Is Global Warming Real? 5 Proofs That Urge Action20 Amazing Images Attributed to Global Warming10 Ways to Support Charity Through Social Media ) include any facts or hard scientific evidence to support a man made climate change. The above is just a bunch of pictures and opinions or theories.
Climate change is happening every minute of every day and has since the beginning of time. It called the weather.
The only man made issue here is the fake suggestion man is responsable for a temperature rise. All started by Al Gore (remember him? He invented the internet)
Every body beleiving this, is like a bunch of Chicken Littles for the benifit of government cap and tax and Al Gore's new industry, carbon credits. (Like he needs it due to the intenet invention doing so well) Our and many others have taxed every conceivable tangable item they could think of. There is nothing else to tax, well, now they can tax the weather.
Here are some liks with real scientific facts and figures if you really want to know.……
i think that global warming is just a way for the government to get more money out of us. if you think about it if the global warms and melts all the ice won't the heat be enough to evaporate it faster than it to melt? and the moons gravitational pull triggers volcanoes and tidal forces. so as Marcus said ,” let nature take its course”.
Well I'm in the highlands of Scotland and it certainly doesn't feel like there is much global warming. It was -15 last night bbrrrrr.. Apparently global warming has been at the rate of 0.007% over the last 10 years – I'm not an expert but it doesn't sound like much to me. Yes the climate has and will change naturally over time. There was massive global warming around 8,000 years ago – before the Sahara desert was desert and the UK was an island… much faster than anything happening now. Can't see how this had much to do with humans as there were not that many of us and no cars, planes, factories etc. As I said I'm not an expert and we are speeding up global warming but it doesn't seem right that the opinion of some scientists is presented as 'fact' and that the public seems not exposed to both sides of the debate.