Human Power – From Gyms to Amusement Parks, It’s Powered by You

Photo: Arichnode Studio

Your daily workout just got greener! This award winning Create a Gym concept was designed by Mitchell Joachim of Archinode Studio with more than fitness in mind. The floating River Gym offers a fabulous view, state of the art exercise equipment, and generates its own power – while purifying the water and propelling other boats as well.

The River Gym is not the first attempt to harness the natural energy of human power. California Fitness in Hong Kong motivates members with human powered treadmills and trainers, powering lights and televisions within the gym.

photo: Frank Hanswijk

The first Sustainable Dance Club converts the energy of party-goers on the dance floor into power for a totally sustainable environment. Created by Enviu, the concept incorporates earth-friendly innovations like toilets flushed with rainwater and rooftop gardens into a trendy hotspot that doesn’t harm the planet.

Cyclecide doesn’t generate energy with their pedal-powered carnival, but it’s definitely plenty of good, clean fun. From pedal-powered carousels to the one of a kind bike rodeo, Cyclecide proves that electronics are not necessary for a good time and designs some of the most innovative human-powered fun park rides ever imagined.


There are hundreds of new human-powered creations emerging each year. Pedal-driven hydrofoils, lightweight people-propelled lawnmowers, and entire shopping centers powered by footsteps are just the beginning of the possibilities of human power. Shave a few dollars off your own electric bill with a pedal-powered generator that can power a lamp, the television, or even your laptop.


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9 thoughts on “Human Power – From Gyms to Amusement Parks, It’s Powered by You”

  1. That is really interesting. I would love a pedal-powered generator! Save money and burn calories all at once. The nightclub that uses human power sounds like an exciting experience as well.

  2. Yeh, it’s kind of cool the technologies that people are coming up within the eco/green markets. Technology will most likely lead the way towards general acceptance of green living.

  3. This is such an incredible idea. I've often wondered at the gym why some of the muscle power (whether it be lifting machine weights or riding a stationary bike) can't be converted into energy.

  4. This is such an incredible idea. I've often wondered at the gym why some of the muscle power (whether it be lifting machine weights or riding a stationary bike) can't be converted into energy.

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