115 thoughts on “Is Global Warming Real? 5 Proofs That Urge Action”
even if you dont believe in global warming, it wouldnt hurt to be eco-friendly…
i agree with you bob
i agree
What??? God doesnt control anything. If we really wanted to we could end the world right now, by detonating every last nuclear weapon. Stop using religion as a safty net.
I think there is to much case out of this global warming thingy. I'm not afraid of that to be honest. And I'm only interested to live this life as good as possible and to make money. I've been recently working on a Clickbooth affiliate network program designed especially to help people making money. So maybe you should check it out for yourself.
i am only 11 so like when is the world going to end is it 12/21/2012
You make the same arguments that all the proponents of global warming make. The trouble is you have no proof. I have been asking anyone that proclaims that “global warming/climate change” is man made. Where is the proof? You always show some picture of a factory belching out smoke. Well back in the 60s and70s you might have gotten away witht that, but not today. We have done a tremendous job of cleaning up industry. Or you show a lake that has “dissapeared”. In you'r example it's Lake Lanier in GA. I live in GA, come look at lake lanier now. We have had a drought for the last 7 years or so, but now we are up to our necks in water. Natural cycles are what you try to shove in peoples faces and say”the sky is falling, the sky is falling”. I have even seen pictures of nuke plant cooling towers shown as “pollution”. Some of you Jonesites “I like to call you that cause remember Jim Jones and his people who drank the cool-aid?” You don't even know that cooling towers can only put out pure steam. No I haven't seen ANY proof that the earth is warming. Go find another soap box.
The temperature maybe warmer now than 150 years ago. However, it is colder than it has been for most of the last 10,000 years. Likely much cooler than the medieval warm period. The IPCC is a farce–its science long since disproved.
It would be easier to believe if the politicians weren't trying to tax us because of it. Its like when bush attacked iraq for terrorist acts from afgan. It would have made it easier to believe Bush had good intentions if there wasn't tons of oil involved and if we weren't using Cheneys products for the war.
I think the same thing goes here. All i hear is, OH NO!! The world is going to explode, we have to tax you to save it!! Believe us its real Give us your money now!!!
your face is an illusion god is real i am a jew awhen all you people who dont belive in him go to hell i will be watching your flesh burn
i am 11 and some of the bimbos here dont belive in God but i agree with SHANEL
well i think ppl should stop worry fighting and going with thier lives an dbe lucky they are here
Thank you to every one who has posted, I have enjoyed reading your comments and learning the different sides to this discussion. Some of my questions were answered and I am ready to do some more research.
The Christian Bible has been around for thousands years. The Christian Bible and the Islamic Bible both reference some of the same characters such as Jesus and the prophet Elisha. The Bible is historically accurate in many areas (especially easy to track history through the New Testament and the Roman Empire.) The King James Version of the Bible has not changed since 1611. The Bible has answers to any question out there. The Bible contains every success principle spoken about by leaders like John Maxwell, Napoleon Hill, etc.
Finally the last, but my personal favorite, reason that I know I can believe in the Bible is that God has made himself plain to not only myself but all people (Romans 1:19.) I study science because of my belief in God. Let us not forget that the first documented scientists like Newton were Christians seeking science to appreciate God's creations 🙂 .
Anyway, I would have to side with many of you who are wondering … “Is Global warming all hysteria and politics?” I have a few questions that no one seems to have answers to: 1. When you fly in an airplane, what is the ratio between vegetation to concrete (I see much, much more green than gray.) 2. What percentage of green house gas does the Human race contribute? I have seen studies that have statistical data that shows one volcano eruption causes more green house gases to be released than the amount Man has produced in ten years. 3. Isn't this Global warming similar to the “Global Cooling Scare” of the 1970s. First we are headed to an Ice age and now only 30 years later we are all going to burn up?
Thanks again to all who have taken their time to post!
even if you dont believe in global warming, it wouldnt hurt to be eco-friendly…
i agree with you bob
i agree
What??? God doesnt control anything. If we really wanted to we could end the world right now, by detonating every last nuclear weapon. Stop using religion as a safty net.
I think there is to much case out of this global warming thingy. I'm not afraid of that to be honest. And I'm only interested to live this life as good as possible and to make money. I've been recently working on a Clickbooth affiliate network program designed especially to help people making money. So maybe you should check it out for yourself.
i am only 11 so like when is the world going to end is it 12/21/2012
You make the same arguments that all the proponents of global warming make. The trouble is you have no proof. I have been asking anyone that proclaims that “global warming/climate change” is man made. Where is the proof? You always show some picture of a factory belching out smoke. Well back in the 60s and70s you might have gotten away witht that, but not today. We have done a tremendous job of cleaning up industry. Or you show a lake that has “dissapeared”. In you'r example it's Lake Lanier in GA. I live in GA, come look at lake lanier now. We have had a drought for the last 7 years or so, but now we are up to our necks in water. Natural cycles are what you try to shove in peoples faces and say”the sky is falling, the sky is falling”. I have even seen pictures of nuke plant cooling towers shown as “pollution”. Some of you Jonesites “I like to call you that cause remember Jim Jones and his people who drank the cool-aid?” You don't even know that cooling towers can only put out pure steam. No I haven't seen ANY proof that the earth is warming. Go find another soap box.
The temperature maybe warmer now than 150 years ago. However, it is colder than it has been for most of the last 10,000 years. Likely much cooler than the medieval warm period. The IPCC is a farce–its science long since disproved.
To bad god isn't real…
weel your a moron
It would be easier to believe if the politicians weren't trying to tax us because of it. Its like when bush attacked iraq for terrorist acts from afgan. It would have made it easier to believe Bush had good intentions if there wasn't tons of oil involved and if we weren't using Cheneys products for the war.
I think the same thing goes here. All i hear is, OH NO!! The world is going to explode, we have to tax you to save it!! Believe us its real Give us your money now!!!
your face is an illusion god is real i am a jew awhen all you people who dont belive in him go to hell i will be watching your flesh burn
i am 11 and some of the bimbos here dont belive in God but i agree with SHANEL
well i think ppl should stop worry fighting and going with thier lives an dbe lucky they are here
Thank you to every one who has posted, I have enjoyed reading your comments and learning the different sides to this discussion. Some of my questions were answered and I am ready to do some more research.
The Christian Bible has been around for thousands years. The Christian Bible and the Islamic Bible both reference some of the same characters such as Jesus and the prophet Elisha. The Bible is historically accurate in many areas (especially easy to track history through the New Testament and the Roman Empire.) The King James Version of the Bible has not changed since 1611. The Bible has answers to any question out there. The Bible contains every success principle spoken about by leaders like John Maxwell, Napoleon Hill, etc.
Finally the last, but my personal favorite, reason that I know I can believe in the Bible is that God has made himself plain to not only myself but all people (Romans 1:19.) I study science because of my belief in God. Let us not forget that the first documented scientists like Newton were Christians seeking science to appreciate God's creations 🙂 .
Anyway, I would have to side with many of you who are wondering … “Is Global warming all hysteria and politics?” I have a few questions that no one seems to have answers to:
1. When you fly in an airplane, what is the ratio between vegetation to concrete (I see much, much more green than gray.)
2. What percentage of green house gas does the Human race contribute? I have seen studies that have statistical data that shows one volcano eruption causes more green house gases to be released than the amount Man has produced in ten years.
3. Isn't this Global warming similar to the “Global Cooling Scare” of the 1970s. First we are headed to an Ice age and now only 30 years later we are all going to burn up?
Thanks again to all who have taken their time to post!