Is Global Warming Real? 5 Proofs That Urge Action

Photo by j/f/ photosPhoto by j/f/ photos
Global warming and climate change have been the focus of controversy and debate for nearly half a century – Is global warming real? What causes climate change – is it man made? Should we do something? What can we do?

What is Global Warming?

Atmospheric gases (primarily water vapor but also including carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, etc.) work together to retain some of the sun’s heat so that the earth stays a comfortable climate – this is known as the greenhouse effect and is necessary for human life. Climate change – long term changes in the overall climate of a particular region – can also occur naturally. The Ice Age, for example, is thought to be a natural change in the global climate. Some believe this was caused by a change in the distance between the earth and the sun, or a change in the earth’s orbital path, while others believe this climate change may have came about because of meteorites.

According to temperature records over the past 150 years, the average global temperature has risen at least one degree overall and more than 2 degrees specifically in the arctic. Scientists have also discovered a correlation between these temperatures and the level of carbon dioxide (and more recently methane gas) in the atmosphere.

Sky Factory by Taras Kalapun
Sky Factory by Taras Kalapun

In a perfect world, the trees and plants would balance the carbon dioxide levels in the air and a natural animal population would emit just the right amount of methane and CO2 to keep the atmosphere and climate in check.

In our world – we’ve removed vast amounts of vegetation to make space for structures that operate on polluting fossil fuels; we degrade land by breeding huge herds of methane-emitting cattle to feed our growing population; we manufacture products using processes that create even more gases. Our normal habits have altered the gas balance of our atmosphere, retaining more heat than ever before, and is considered to be the man made side of global warming and the current climate change.

Is Global Warming Real?

We’ve examined this question in a previous post, Global Warming: Fact or Fiction. Whether man made or natural, can anyone truly argue the fact that climates are changing around the world? Yes, global warming is real – Britain’s National Academy of Science states:

“The world’s leading climate experts at the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change believe that it is greater than 90 per cent likely that human activity is responsible for most of the observed warming in recent decades. That is a pretty strong consensus.”

Global Warming Proof

“Global warming will intensify drought and it will intensify floods,” states Stephen Schneider, editor of the Climatic Change journal. 2007 brought some of the worst floods in history to a number of countries around the planet – including 14 African countries, the UK, Malaysia, the US midwest, and North Korea. Droughts and water shortages have been just as prominent in recent years – plaguing areas of the Middle East, the southeastern US, Spain, and Australia.

2007 Jakarta flood named worst in 300 years.  Photo by Indhas
2007 Jakarta flood named worst in 300 years. Photo by Indhas
Lake Lanier, Georgia.  Water level change in 11 months.  Photo by Brian Hursey
Lake Lanier, Georgia. Water level change in 11 months. Photo by Brian Hursey

The longtime dream route between Europe and Asia, the Northwest Passage, was open and ‘fully navigable’ for the first time in its monitored history in 2007. This is perhaps the most extreme sign that the arctic is melting at an alarmingly fast rate.


Extreme summer temperatures are another obvious proof that global warming is real. Not only are the summers becoming unbearable in many regions around the world – they’re lasting longer and longer. In fact, here in the Blue Ridge foothills of the southeast US, the leaves are just now showing their bright autumn colors and the highs were in the 70’s last week. 10 years ago, short sleeves were out of sight before the beginning of October!

30 in the evening.  Photo by Matt McGee
105 at 5:30 in the evening. Photo by Matt McGee

These unusual changes in climate have also been linked to more frequent and more intense forest fires across the world. Wildfires in the past decade have burned longer, destroyed more land, and happened more often than ever before. The US, especially the southeast and southwest, have been affected drastically by these fires. Fires are also starting in forests in the Amazon, Siberia, Greece, Indonesia, and a number of other countries around the globe.

Orange County forest fire.  Photo by Miro-Foto
Orange County forest fire. Photo by Miro-Foto

Proof that global warming is real is all around us – from the extreme temperatures to the more and more frequent natural disasters. It is almost 100% likely that a big portion of this climate change is because of our own actions, habits, and lifestyles.

What do you think?

115 thoughts on “Is Global Warming Real? 5 Proofs That Urge Action”

  1. whatever bitch im don with your ass if you want me back dont fuckin count on cause im not your goddamn maid

  2. Here the simplest answer you can get.Only god can controll when the earth is gonna end.
    the Earth has been here forever when it ends it ends,but we can start helping by recycling and saving natural resources.that was 4 every one.I'm not saying that us helping the Earth is gonna be trash free like in a day it takes time,but we can still do if we work together,and try to save the Earth. If you agree plaese type me a nice message.If not type me saying why you dont like it.

  3. Most of the bible wasn't written by Christians, period. The Old Testament is taken from the Jewish scripture the Torah .. are you aware of this? I guess it wouldn't be correct for a Christian to initially comment on such a matter in the way he/she did. Approach this topic logically. Your out-dated way of close minded thinking, by following word for word one written book in a literal manner is obscene. The church over time has acknowledged errors in its beliefs which have been scientifically proven. For one it was accepted by the church that the earth is the center of the universe and that all things revolve around it in perfect circle. This was discredited by science and the church's opinion was reversed on the matter. They conceded that in fact, the earth is not the center of the universe or our solar system. I guess everything written (thousands of years ago I mind you) hasn't turned out to be true. Here's another blow to such faith: There are two types of water on earth, H20 and HDO. aka Regular water and Heavy Water. Heavy water, or HDO contains a hydrogen atom that has an extra neutron. This type of hydrogen is called deuterium. Scientists were able to send a space probe to tail Halley's comet, and a few other comets whose names slip me. They collected water vapor from the comet's trail and found that the HDO levels were 10 times greater than the concentration of HDO on earth. It couldn't have only come from comets… blah blah blah long story short they were able to analyze debris in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and found higher concentrations of H20… Every time you take a sip of water, you're drinking liquid that's 14 billion years old. Wow, science can be interesting huh?

  4. hey that dude stole your name to be innocent plaese dont be mad at me I DID NOTHING WRONG I NEVER CURSED ON A WEBSITE I WAS TRYING TO FOCUS ON THE TOPIC UNTIL HE CAME ALONG SO PLEASE DONT MAD AT ME

  5. wow seriously need to get back on topic….we're talking about science.
    not god.
    not people liking or dsliking people.
    not people's vocab.

  6. nice science lesson, you can't say the “the Church” as part of your argument because it does not pertain to all Christians, it was the catholic church that said the sun revolved around the earth, which, coincidently is not mentioned in the bible and has nothing do do with the Christan faith (much like the forum :p) the bible does, however, mention that the earth is spherical. ooo creepy.

  7. lol, Al GORE made. i believe its 300 million dollars of the global warming crisis and has not put a penny of his own money tords it. thats because he knows its not true. lol. o and we wont all die. not even close, this planet cant harm humanity as a whole. we will adapt, and invent, and survive.

  8. Holy shit I just wasted soooo much time on this forum! Although it all wasn't for nothing, I got to see people dis out others for a horrible vocab and then I saw two people break up over a forum about global warming, also I continue to see comments about getting back on topic. Aren't those also off topic? And I'm a believer in some ways and I would never bring up my faith when people are discussing science. Nobody wants to hear that! So live long and prosper bitches! PEACE

  9. OMG like totally seriously awesomeness you are “Who Cares”!!! Do you have a MySpace because you would totally be on my top 100 and that's. Hahahahah and I just found out you don't even have to go under the same name to repost something new. PEACE!

    P.S. So Smiling Jake and Baylea are the same person just to let the numb skulls know.

  10. ok, im doing a project on global warming and all of you who are fighting over the internet really need to get lives because 4 people all agree you are all probably complete losers who dont have friends and need to talk to people over a global warming website…grow up its pathetic

  11. everyone one of you guys have no friends this is going to happen and go out and get friends and get some fun need to talk to real people not ppl over the internet. grow up

  12. I completely agree with “U ARE DUMB” I'm on here for a school project too and all you people on this website, actually taking it seriouslly needs to get a life, you're all pathetic, and clearly have nothing better to do than post what you think is right on some dumb website. You aren't making an impact at all, just stop.

  13. ok, im doing a project on global warming and all of you who are fighting over the internet really need to get lives because 4 people all agree you are all probably complete losers who dont have friends and need to talk to people over a global warming website…grow up its pathetic

  14. I completely agree with “U ARE DUMB” I'm on here for a school project too and all you people on this website, actually taking it seriouslly needs to get a life, you're all pathetic, and clearly have nothing better to do than post what you think is right on some dumb website. You aren't making an impact at all, just stop.

  15. Let's start all over again. Okay?
    For those of you that believe in God, he is real.
    For those of you that don't, God still may be real but it doesn't matter to you.
    For those of you that haven't decided yet, it doesn't matter to you yet.
    So what was the original question? Oh yeah,,,
    Is Global Warming Real?
    Personally, and regardless, it doesn't hurt anyone or anything to keep your carbon footprint to a minimum. Waist has never been a good idea. Weather or not we are damaging our planet. And weather or not it’s reversible if we are. It’s still and always is going to be up to every individual to have a mindset to make things better for the next generation.
    The real question is, are we capable?
    The real answer is, in this world everything comes to an end eventually.
    If someone wants to quote the Bible, “Futile, all is futile.”
    I am here to enjoy the ride and to help keep others as safe as possible in the process.
    This works and could be pleasing to everyone no matter what.
    It’s also referred to as, “Wishful Thinking.”…
    So good luck and or God bless……….

    PS; I don't really care about an answer, I won't be back to this site again anyway.

  16. If God controls our destiny, why do we trust him? If he's just gonna kill us in the end?

    Cuz I just sooo want to put my life in someone's hands, who just kills you off anyway!(note sarcasm)

  17. Let's start all over again. Okay?
    For those of you that believe in God, he is real.
    For those of you that don't, God still may be real but it doesn't matter to you.
    For those of you that haven't decided yet, it doesn't matter to you yet.
    So what was the original question? Oh yeah,,,
    Is Global Warming Real?
    Personally, and regardless, it doesn't hurt anyone or anything to keep your carbon footprint to a minimum. Waist has never been a good idea. Weather or not we are damaging our planet. And weather or not it’s reversible if we are. It’s still and always is going to be up to every individual to have a mindset to make things better for the next generation.
    The real question is, are we capable?
    The real answer is, in this world everything comes to an end eventually.
    If someone wants to quote the Bible, “Futile, all is futile.”
    I am here to enjoy the ride and to help keep others as safe as possible in the process.
    This works and could be pleasing to everyone no matter what.
    It’s also referred to as, “Wishful Thinking.”…
    So good luck and or God bless……….

    PS; I don't really care about an answer, I won't be back to this site again anyway.

  18. If God controls our destiny, why do we trust him? If he's just gonna kill us in the end?

    Cuz I just sooo want to put my life in someone's hands, who just kills you off anyway!(note sarcasm)

  19. Maybe,Global warming is real In my history book it says tht the world will end 12/21/2012,but that was when the mayan calenders ended.So no worries now i doing my part on keeping the planet safe,like recyling.but the question is are you doing your part

    P.S Why would Baylea try to be to people.I mean that is ridiculous/

  20. I think if people dont litter it could help records show tht if aleast 5 people dont litter for a year it will decrease the risk of global miss half by 2.01%

    Ps why is baylea trying to be two people?


  21. disgree with you we control our destinies god doesnt we can make our future and take action whatever we do will affect our destinies it's not made by god we make our destinies u dont always know what will happen ahead whatever we do can reflect on our future

  22. Hey you dumb people, I own all your internets and i win 10,000 internets for replying to all your dumb replies. (If your reply was not dumb you know it and this does not apply to you, hence if you think you know you're right i feel worse for you than anyone else) anyway
    God will not do anything.
    Global Warming is real, sure but it is not caused by HUMANS its caused by the GLOBE we all live on. It will destroy and rebuild itself millions of times after we are gone, just as it has done millions of times before we came here. If God was going to save the world he/she would have done it by now(its what 2010 in just a few months, hey jesus you're late!). you all lose, and you win no internets for your sorry attempt at writing a reply to something you already began knowing nothing about. good job have a nice… whatever

  23. #1 As a Christian, I am amazed at some of the Christians who have commented on this post. I apologize to those who are offended by such people. This is not the kind of offense Jesus had in mind.

    #2 With regards to global warming, I don't think it's really happening. I'm skeptical. There are many reasons. First, I've heard that many who are pushing this “cap and trade” bill stand to profit if it is put into effect. Second, Al Gore is one of those. Third, we've had a rather cool Spring and early Summer here in Nebraska. It's also been wet. It seems like we go through cycles. Fourth, I've heard many in the Northeast complain about the lack of a Spring. This is curious as well. Fifth, there are some that have acutally come out and said what the real agenda is here: redistribution of wealth. Now, you can make the argument that this is a good thing. Still, I believe in private property, and I think that the Bible backs me up on this, as well as the US Constitution.

    Whether Global Warming is true or not is not a religious issue. I do happen to believe, however, that God made this world, and that it will remain until Jesus returns, just as He promised. He died for my sins, and yours, and grants eternal salvation to all who believe His Word. He says, “A time is coming and is now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of Man and those that hear will live.” John 5. It's about His Word and His Promises. That's what Christianity is about. One can believe Global Warming is true and Christianity is true at the same time. I, however, do not. Thanks for reading.

  24. if CO2 raises temperature then why isn't Mars burning up? it has an atmosphere of 95% CO2.
    we only have .3% CO2. global warming is a scam but legislation will be passed on it and not for any scientific reason, after the dems took office they bought stock in the companies that will make money off of things like cap and trade, its interesting to research that. as they say follow the money.

  25. you no what only God knows when the world will end besides global warming is not real i agree with Nonya business if it was real mars would already be undergoing global warming

  26. A) You completely made those statistics up yourself.
    B) You are Baylea. So that's about 3 or 4 people you're pretending to be.
    C) Why has no one brought up volcanoes in this discussion? You know, those big mountain things that erupt Co2? Yeah, they've been erupting for 4.5 billion years now (not 30 million as you suggested earlier), and we have been giving off Co2 for about 150 years… But Global Warming (or Global Scamming, as a more appropriate name for it) is just happening now? You people realize that all the Co2 that we've emitted in these 150 years is roughly equal to .001% of the Co2 that volcanoes have emitted in the last 4.5 billion years, right? Because when Earth was just made, it was completely covered with Volcanoes. But Global Scamming is just happening NOW, right after a bunch of end-of-the-world-scams just ended (e.g. Acid Rain scam, Y2K)? Global Scamming is sooo fake.
    D) Also, 30,000 scientists, 9,000 with PhDs, are suing Al Gore for FRAUD because of Global Scamming!
    E) Remember the thing about the volcanoes? Well guess what we breathe out? Co2! But Global Scamming is happening now, right after a series of failed/fake end-of-the-world-scams!

    Feel free to reply to me 🙂

  27. god is all bull… the sun spots have made the temp change. the see puts out heaps of co2 every year more then humans.

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