Tomorrow’s Oceans – The Effects of Climate Change Under the Sea

The effects of global warming and climate change on the ocean are still under much debate. Some see the onset of a damaging megadrought while others forecast water temperatures as high as 107ºF. Regardless of the causes or the results, we are seeing major changes in life beneath the sea. Some ocean species are migrating further north, causing shifts in food chains and the fishing industry, while other populations are decreasing at rapid rates.

In fact, the recent revision to the underestimated numbers released earlier now states that “more than 16,000 species (are) threatened with extinction.” According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), “One in three amphibians, one in four mammals, one in eight birds and 70% of plants so far assessed for its Red Lists of Threatened Species are believed to be at risk.”

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Is Extinction a Major Present-Day Problem?

Extinction is nothing new … mass extinctions are part of the life cycle of the planet. Still, if we are indeed in the 6th great mass extinction then perhaps we should be worried that at least one such mass extinction took the planet 30 million years to recover from! Some …

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New Mammal Discovered, Others Still Suffer

Rare New Mammal Species Discovered

It is an unfortunate fact of modern life that most species-related news is negative these days. We read about habitats disappearing, animals going extinct and other tragedies. When a positive story does come along it is therefore all the more inspiring.

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What is it About Climate Change?


What is it about climate change that stirs everyone up so much? When innovative technology is applied to cars, houses or other everyday things everyone seems to celebrate progress. However, when articles come out about climate change the tone shifts and the skeptics come out in force. Ecoble invariably gets the most crass, spammy and downright incorrect comments on such articles. But why?

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