There’s always something new in the realm of indoor and outdoor lighting. Though we’ve featured many spectacular lighting innovations in the past, here are some more for your viewing pleasure – everything from illuminated umbrellas to soy fat lightbulbs to cell phone-controlled street lights.
Wind Power
Wind Power
Top Ten Ecoble Articles of All Time
From recycled water bottle islands to the latest developments in sustainable transport, Ecoble has shared the coolest green gadgets, current eco politics, and our favorite sustainable innovations with you for nearly a year-and-a-half now – here’s the 10 posts our readers have enjoyed the most. Let us know which Ecoble article is your favorite in the comments!
Top 15 Eco Innovations of the 21st Century
We recently posted the top 10 eco innovations of the 20th century; now, as we get another year closer to the end of the first decade of a new millennium, we’ll take a look at the most innovative green advancements made so far in the 21st century…
Top 10 Eco Innovations of the 20th Century
We’ve come a long way with green technology over the past century but not every eco innovation from the past is worth forgetting…
Wind Power Generated From Kites
Wind Power From Kites
The world over, experiments are under way to generate wind power from kites. Wind power from kites or other objects suspended in air are not new, but have been mostly ignored for decades. The first U.S. patent for such a device was filed in 1966, and similar patents in the States were filed throughout the 1970’s and 1980’s. But these precursors to wind power generators such as KiteGen were simple affairs that generated small amounts of power. Today, prompted by climate change and the need for cheap, clean electricity, they can generate upwards of 10 Megawatts per kite, with larger wind power kite farms projected to generate 100 Megawatts or more. In fact, current projects claim that a single farm, or array of wind power kites, could generate the same electrical output as a Nuclear power plant.