The Unsustainable Church of Scientology

scientologyMany would say that the Church of Scientology is unsustainable in more ways than one, but few have stopped to consider how that applies to the natural environment. While Scientologists overtly organize to protect nature and profess to protect the planet many of their practices seem to contradict their statements. The overall effect seems to be alarmism couple with inaction: all of the theoretical zest of GreenPeace with all of the inaction of President Bush. Here are some of the ways in which Scientology seems to skew environmental issues and play on public opinion without a correspondingly set of proactive strategies. This side of Scientology seems to have been lost in the scandalous shuffle of recent news but Scientology’s mixed messages and actions on the environment are also important.

Scientology E Meter

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What is it About Climate Change?


What is it about climate change that stirs everyone up so much? When innovative technology is applied to cars, houses or other everyday things everyone seems to celebrate progress. However, when articles come out about climate change the tone shifts and the skeptics come out in force. Ecoble invariably gets the most crass, spammy and downright incorrect comments on such articles. But why?

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What Does it Mean When Vehicles Go Green?

Grass Covered Car

When it comes to vehicles, green can mean many things. Many supposedly environmentally friendly vehicles also aren’t as green as people might assume at first glance. These three articles provide some facts, figures and humorous anecdotes about what it really means to go green.

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How Can You Question Climate Change Now?

Polar Ice Caps Melting

So a lot of people question the mechanism, cause or even existence of what is now commonly called climate change. Sometimes they call out the words ‘global warming’ and then point out that there is cooling going on as well in the world. Well, details and titles aside you can’t argue with melting ice caps, can you? Nature may have its cycles but this is unquestionably unusual and incredibly significant to the global climate.

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Various Interesting Treehuggery Around the World


Trees are often a central topic when it comes to discussions of global warming or climate change, but what role do they really play and how important are they? Here are three different recent articles on trees that span the debate:

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Green Transport Doesn’t Just Mean Cars

Electric scooters are something we’ve come to expect, just like hybrid cars and electric buses, but what about a solar airplane? Yes, the jokes about cloudy days in the sky will no doubt abound, but the endeavor is entirely serious. From concept to construction, the Solar Impulse has been hailed …

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Strange Environmental Facts from GreenExpander


As soon as you think you know it all you’re bound to find out something new. One of the biggest problems with understanding and debating environmental issues is that people often don’t have their facts straight when they go into a discussion. New facts and ways of understanding them can jar the complacent mind into reevaluating what they assume to be true, and these are no exceptions. Here are just a few interesting ones to start with.

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Five of the World’s Weirdest Alternative Fuel Sources

Mr Fusion from Back to the Future

Remember that amazing device from Back to the Future that converted garbage into fuel? Nowadays that isn’t as far-fetched as it once was. Everything from liquor and saltwater to diapers to landfills are being used to generate alternative sources of power that run equipment, vehicles and buildings around the world!

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